

Travel, Live, Love ✨🚀


January 2017

30 Things to do Before I Turn 30

So if you have been reading my blog recently you would see that I am currently having an issue of what to do with my life next. In order to try and bring some order to my life and what I want to achieve I have made a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30.

I really enjoyed creating this list! It puts some things in to perspective for you and not only lets you see where you want to be but also what you have already done!

So below is my 30 before 30 list (with some little side notes for myself… encouragement if you will!!).

  1. Swim with Sharks
  2. Party in Ibiza (this year?!)
  3. See the Northern Lights
  4. Drink in a fancy Vineyard with good cheese and bread
  5. Go (full) skinny dipping 
  6. Visit 30 different countries
  7. Bungee Jump/Sky dive
  8. Get your motorbike licence (or have a couple shots on one!) 
  9. Learn to shoot a gun (and well!) 
  10. Climb a mountain
  11. Travel somewhere all by yourself 
  12. Camp somewhere beautiful 
  13. Splurge on an item you can’t afford but will last for years (Rolex, Louboutin…) 
  14. Take a cross-country road trip/big road trip
  15. Take surf board lessons 
  16. Attempt to learn an instrument 
  17. Throw a fundraiser/volunteer for a charity close to your heart 
  18. Live abroad 
  19. Learn how to ski/snowboard!! (or at least take a couple of lessons!)
  20. Spend New Years eve somewhere amazing (The Caribbean, Disneyland Paris….)
  21. Learn about your family history 
  22. Take as many “How To” “Beginner” classes as possible
  23. Get (more) tattoos 
  24. Read more Classic Books/History books  
  25. See you favourite singer/band 
  26. Be part of a TV audience 
  27. See a Broadway/Westend show
  28. Learn to fish 
  29. Learn (the very basics) of a Language 
  30. Do some form of run/challenge/marathon 

30.1…. You should probably do something that is more “Adult Life” too! Buy a house, find someone to settle down with… Get a pet!!!

So thats my list! Everything in bold is what I have done already but feel like are important and that I should continue doing or trying! Im currently 23 so have 7 years to get this down!!

Does anyone else have a list? I would love to read yours or see if we have anything similar! 



Nothing’s ever easy right? 

I’m currently at one of those pinochle moments in my life were I need to decide what to do next. I’m 23, living in Scotland with my family, got my degree last year, went and done a little travelling came home and worked. Not in any major jobs that I can climb further in the ladder for my career. I’m just in a “comfertable state” of living… which I like but detest all in one. I like uncomfortable. Change. Movement. New Challeneges. 

So what next?

Do I continue with travelling being my main prority? 

Do I apply for those difficult to get into summer programmes in America then come home and do a Ski season in France. Do I try and find a volunteer project that doesn’t cost thousands for longer than 2 weeks in Asia or Africa. Do I apply for an Australian visa and go over there in September for a year or 2 and try and find work. How will I survive and see the world at the same time.

Or do I stay in Scotland?

Focus on getting a better job, perhaps in Edinburgh that is all about events, marketing, social media or PR that I love. Save for holidays and try and get my travel fix through that. Wait until after summer finishes to apply and get a train ticket to go see Europe first before coming home and settling. Do I open my own business – pick one of the many ideas in my head and try my hardest to make it work.


I see positive and negatives in both. I love travelling more than anything. However do I come home at 24/25 and try to build a career up when all my peers are settled? I know, I know focus on your own self! But will travelling make me less employeeable? 

These are the worries of this 23 year old girl trying to make the next move!

Is anyone else currently at this point in their life’s? 

Or has anyone been here, done that and gotten the t-shirt? Because I could never turn down some first hand knowledge and advice! 


A Woman Should…

Came across this on Facebook and had to share. Feeling the #girlpower #girlboss vibes today!! 

Enough money within her control to move out…
And rent a place of her own
even if she never wants to
or needs to… 
Something perfect to wear if the employer
or date of her dreams wants to See Her in an hour… 

A youth she’s content to leave behind….
A past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to
retelling it in her Old Age….

A set of screwdrivers,
a cordless drill, and a black lace bra…
One friend who always makes her laugh…
And one Who lets her cry…

A good piece of furniture not previously owned
by anyone else in her Family…
Eight matching plates,
wine glasses with stems,
And a recipe for a meal that will make
her guests feel Honored…
A feeling of control over her destiny…

How to fall in love without losing herself..
When to try harder…

That she can’t change the length of her calves,
The width of her hips,
or the nature of her parents..
That her childhood may not have been perfect…
But it’s over…

What she would and wouldn’t do for love or more…
How to live alone…
Even if she doesn’t like it…

Whom she can trust,
Whom she can’t,
And why she shouldn’t take it personally…

Where to go…
Be it to her best friend’s kitchen table…
Or a charming inn in the woods…
When her soul needs soothing…

What she can and can’t accomplish in a day…
A month…
And a year…

Written by Pamela Redmond Satran



Hello 2017…

It feels weird to be back writing here. I’ve opened up my laptop to write so many times but never found to words to something I have always enjoyed doing so much.

The last time I wrote I was 2 weeks into my Mini World Trip  and loving life. I had just graduated, was back with my boyfriend, the love of my life and on a trip of the life time (can you feel the if it’s too good to be true, it probably is moment coming? Wait for it!). I was in Thailand and my boyfriend and I started to break up. It was pretty horrible, especially when you are thousands of miles away and can’t do anything about it or even get your say properly.

In a way, I am so incredibly happy I was away with my friend when it happened. I got to see there is so much to life, I was seeing the world and all it had to offer. Why should I offer my all to a boy who doesn’t appreciate everything I had? So I picked myself up and got on with the trip of a lifetime. And it truly was.

However, when you get home reality hits. I was alone, had the holiday blues, no “life” plan  (which every adult seems to think graduates should have?!) and the person I love had dumped me and got a new girlfriend before I had hit home soil. It’s been pretty bloody shit. 

It’s funny how the people around you are truly the people who can make or break you. I don’t know where I would be without my family or girls. They have helped build me back up and kept me sane. They have helped me party my ass off and taken my mind off anything that could bring me down. I am so lucky that I have amazing people in my life!!

So I haven’t been in the right frame of mind to come back and write yet. Every time I have I usually got myself upset as a lot that is on my blog are memories I shared with him. So… here comes the biggest cliche of them all… NEW YEAR, NEW ME!!!…. Just joking. But I have been super excited to say goodbye to 2016 and get stuck into 2017. The past few weeks I’ve been putting myself out there, going on dates again, focusing on my health and wellbeing, spending time with amazing people and just enjoying myself and doing things for me. Your happiness shouldn’t depend on a person other than yourself.

I have a lot of plans for 2017 and I can’t wait to share them all. I also can’t wait to finally write about my trip away!!! I keep looking at photos and can’t get over how lucky I was to go on such a trip at my age.

I’m going to share my favourite words and my favourite picture that sums up how I’ve started this new year and how I intend to make it my year.

“As my friend, the dear, departed Princess Leia, said to me, ‘Take your broken heart, make it into art.'” – Meryl Streep.


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